Category Archives: Mindset

Anything is Possible and Achievable!

I have a younger brother. He’s bigger than me. He’s not really into business, he’s more of a musician and showman. Oh and he runs and runs and runs.

This morning he taught me a massive lesson that we can all take to heart. It’s summarised like this:

Anything is Possible and Achievable!

And it looked like this on a Facebook post:


The context of this is that this time last year Jon was heavier than he wanted to be, felt sluggish, his diet wasn’t great and he wasn’t doing any exercise. At all.

Jon Just Does it

So one day. When he got really fed up, he took it upon himself to start running.

To his surprise, he really enjoyed it. It feels like he hasn’t stopped since. Just in the past few weeks, he’s done a half marathon and a Tough Guy.

The brilliant thing is that I said to him “you should blog about your progress”… (it’s a typical marketers mindset).

But he said to me “Nah… i’m too busy living it”.

What’s stopping you (and me)?

I’m hoping you’re on this site because you want your business to be more successful. Well, let me tell you that there is no secret magic silver bullet. There’s no one that will do it for you.

Waiting for the right strategy?

We have at least five actionable client getting strategies on the Podcast. Take some time to listen, or download a few episodes for your next car journey or gym session.

Don’t have the money to market yourself?

Sorry, not an excuse. The strategies in the podcasts mostly require your time and energy. We all have that.

Too busy to be prospecting?

I guarantee you that if you’re spending ALL your time doing client work and not time on growing the business, you will hit the wall at some point.

Any more?

Look, whatever your excuse (and we all have them), you MUST take action.

Six months from now, if you take consistent action, I hope we’ll be having a conversation and you tell me that “Anything is Possible and Achievable!”.






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